Britannia first appeared on coins nearly 2,000 years ago as a symbol of a province newly brought under the control of Rome. The noble warrior that graced the
coins of Hadrian is the source of inspiration for a modern icon that embodies the spirit of a nation. The idea of Britannia re-emerged in the Elizabethan era but
only returned to coins in 1672 during the reign of Charles II. From that time to the present day she has featured on the coins of every British monarch. Artists of
each era have depicted Britannia, on coins and elsewhere, in ways that reflect the ideas and style of their time. Through every incarnation, this enduring icon has
taken on more layers of meaning and has come to embody aspects of a culture and people. The 2020 Britannia created by artist James Tottle is both respectful of
the past and a contemporary work of art.