How to order

You can browse our website without creating an account.

To purchase a product from the website as a minimum you will need to provide contact and delivery details for gifts and commemorative coin orders. It is also possible to register for an account which will make the checkout process simpler for future purchases and provide an option to receive the latest news and updates from us at The Royal Mint.  

To place an order for Bullion products, you will be required to create an account and pre-fund your account prior to making a purchase. 

When you create an account we will set up a Royal Mint account for you and provide you with a customer code. You will need to provide personal details such as name, address and e-mail address, and you will be required to choose a unique password; this will allow you, and only you, to access your account.

Once you've registered with us, you only need to 'Sign in' next time you shop to use your saved personal details.

Secure and authenticated

The security of our checkout process is approved by Verisign and 3D Secure and any sensitive data is encrypted so that nobody can read it.

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