Share your Pre / Decimal coin collection with us...
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Once approved you can view your submission directly using the following link
Decimal Day Collections
Explore Pre / Decimal Coins or share your own collection.
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I understand and agree that by submitting and sharing the material outlined above (your comment, your submitted image, your message, and your name), I automatically grant (and represent and warrant that I have the right to grant) to The Royal Mint an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual licence to use, reproduce and communicate the material as they see fit. Please note that we will never share your email address with anyone else.
For more information explaining how to use your information please see our Privacy Policy
Thank you for sharing
After and internal review process your design will be added to the Wall on the Royal Mint website.
Share your Pre / Decimal Coin Collection with us...
Tell us about your Pre / Decimal Collection or upload a photo of your coins and we will add it to our online Gallery